Fast and Flavoursome

Marinaded Chimichurri Beans with Easy Gluten Free Flatbreads (Vegan, GF, NF)

Any visit to Argentina isn’t complete without getting familiar with that favourite sauce, chimicurri. Unfortunately, with lockdown happening in the UK again this week, travel isn’t really an option so I’ve chosen to travel using my taste buds, always my favourite method. For a lot of plant based eaters, beans often feature heavily in the diet as an economical protein source.  If you’ve ever found yourself looking for something new, this little trip to Argentina for your beans may be it.

I paired my beans with an incredibly easy gluten free flatbread. I’d strongly suggest using a mixer with a dough attachment, especially with the first knead. The bread will need to prove for between 1-2 hours but your hands on time will be tiny. This makes for a great snack or turn it into a dinner with some crunchy veg.


For the Marinated Beans:

For the Gluten Free Flatbread:


I normally start with the bread, mix the yeast, sugar, and olive oil with the luke warm water and leave for a minute or so, or until the yeast starts to foam – no longer. Add the dry ingredients to the bowl of a stand mix and stir well. Fit a dough hook to the mixer and set on to a low speed. Gradually add the liquid and mix on a low speed until fully combined. Turn the speed up to medium and leave the mixer to knead the dough for 5 – 10 minutes. The dough will be incredibly sticky at this stage. Transfer to a greased bowl using a greased spatula, cover with a damp towel and leave to rest in a warm room until almost doubled in size – this should take between 1.5- 2 hours.

Place a small frying pan over a low heat and add the sliced onion with a little oil. Fry, stirring occasionally, until the onion has softened and started to brown around the edges. Remove from the heat and mix together with all the rest of the ingredients, apart from the beans. Taste and season well before stirring through the beans. Allow to marinade for at least 15 mins before serving.

One the dough has rested it should be smoother and only slightly tacky. Transfer onto a lightly floured surface and knead lightly to knock back. Cut into four separate pieces and roll into flatbreads. Heat a dry frying pan on a medium to high. Add one of the flatbreads to the pan and cook on each side until a little charred and fluffy throughout. 

Serve as soon as you’re ready to eat, the beans will happy wait in the fridge absorbing flavour but the bread won’t last much beyond that day. 


* My favourite way to make this is with freshly cooked beans. Pull them straight out of the cooking water and into the marinade. The still warm beans will absorb the marinade quicker and they’re tasty warm.

Allergy Notes; This is vegan, gluten free, nut free and soy free! If you have any issues with this recipe let me know and I can suggest substitutions.  

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